Business summary

We are responding to each and every need related to real estate transactions, including real estate sales agents, consignment sales, and real estate sales, with advanced services and suitable solutions. We aim for further evolution as a real estate transaction multi-value creator.

Business fields
Real estate agents (sales and leasing) / Consignment sales / Real estate sales /Real estate solutions

Value Provided Through Businesses
A Comfortable Urban Life / Safe and Secure Housing

Segment Overview

Tokyu Livable, Inc. network

187 locations
※As of March 31, 2020

Fiscal 2019
No. of real estate agent transactions


Initiatives for social issues

Opening Senior Home Relocation Salons in Response to the Increasing Number of Senior Households

With the increase in the number of senior households, relocation needs among senior demographics are increasing. TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. established a dedicated contact desk for senior customers in 2017, and has dedicated staff who assist customers, not only with relocation but also with guidance to senior residences, and offer other assistance up to and including the point of actually moving into their new homes. As a provider of professional real estate services, TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. works together with nursing care specialists, financial planners and other experts to receive consultations regarding concerns that senior customers and their families may have about their future lifestyles; to objectively propose future life planning, and deliver support for enabling a relocation that customers and their families will be satisfied with. Following on from the Shibuya branch, a branch was also opened at Tama Plaza in January 2020.

Scene from a seminar on choosing residences for senior citizens (March 2018)

Scene from a seminar on choosing residences for senior citizens (March 2018)


Examples of initiatives

Examples of services and initiatives

  • Mediation network
    spread nationwide

  • Abundant trading
    brokerage services

  • Disclosing customer feedback

  • Buying and selling
    real estate for law

  • CDP ALIST 2023
  • 健康経営優良法人 ホワイト500
  • DX銘柄2023
  • 東急不動産の外部評価・受賞一覧
  • 東急こすもす会
  • 東北すぐれものセレクション
  • 熊本うまかもんセレクション