tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights
FY2013 Second Quarter (First Six Months) Ended Sep-30, 2013





FY2013 Q2 (First Six Months) Operating Results

FY2013 Q2 (First Six Months) Segment performance

Summary of balance sheets

Transition to the holdings system

Impacts of the transition to the holdings system on the consolidated balance sheet and on consolidated earnings (1)

Impacts of the transition to the holdings system on the consolidated balance sheet and on consolidated earnings (2)

FY2013 Forecast (Operating Results)

FY2013 Forecast (Segment performance)

Segments Performance

Leasing of Real Estate

Real Estate Sales

Property Management

Real Estate Agents

Facility Operations

Other Segments

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(1) FY2013 Q2 (First Six Months)

I would now like to move on to describe the Real Estate Agents segment.

Results in this segment for the first six months of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014 were as follows: operating revenue increased by ¥4.9 billion year on year, to ¥24.2 billion, while operating income rose ¥2.4 billion, to ¥3.6 billion.
Both revenue and income increased because the number of transactions as well as contract prices rose in both retail and wholesale businesses for real estate sales agents, while the number of deliveries increased in consignment sales.

With regard to the forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2014, we expect operating revenue to increase by ¥7.9 billion from the previous fiscal year, to ¥50.2 billion, and operating income to increase by ¥3.0 billion, to¥7.8 billion.
We expect both revenue and income to rise, anticipating that real estate sales agents will continue to be strong.