tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights
FY2016 Ended Mar-31, 2017





FY2016 Financial Highlights

FY2016 Operating Results

FY2016 Segment performance

Summary of balance sheets

Summary of Cash Flows

FY2017 Forecast (Operating Results)

FY2017 Forecast (Segment performance)

Segment Performance


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Return to Shareholders

This slide shows our basic approach regarding the return of profits to shareholders.
Our basic policy is to determine the distribution of profits targeting a payout ratio of 25% or more while maintaining a stable dividend policy. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, net profit totaled ¥31.5 billion. Based on this profit achievement, the Company plans to pay total annual dividends of ¥13.0 per share as planned for the year, with a dividend payout ratio of 25.1%.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018, the Company plans to pay annual dividends of ¥14.5 per share, up ¥1.5 per share over the previous year, representing an increase for five fiscal years in a row along with growth in operating profit. Consequently, the payout ratio for the year will be 25.6%.